XL Flared Roaster / Stainless - Packaging Damage

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Special Price $189.95 Regular Price $420.00 Items on homeandcooksales.com may display a strikethrough price in search results and on product display pages. The strikethrough price is the "MSRP" - the manufacturer's suggested retail price. "MSRP" may or may not reflect the actual, sold at, or prevailing market price or regular retail price. You save $230.05 (55%)

The All-Clad stainless steel XL Flared Roaster is perfect for oven-roasting meat, poultry, potatoes and vegetables, then transfer it to the stovetop for creating savory gravies or pan sauces from drippings. Does NOT include rack

Our cookware is oven & broiler safe up to 600°F and compatible with any stovetop, excluding induction. Handwashing is recommended.

The All-Clad stainless steel XL Flared Roaster is perfect for oven-roasting meat, poultry, potatoes and vegetables, then transfer it to the stovetop for creating savory gravies or pan sauces from drippings. Bonded, Engineered, & Assembled in USA Ensures fast even heating. Low flared sides promote uniform browning and even cooking. Tri-ply construction sandwiches a heat-responsive aluminum core between an easy-clean stainless steel Size: 18.75" x 14.75" x 3"  Lifetime warranty DOES NOT INCLUDE RACK